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Denisa Tomková. 2025 (forthcoming).  Empowering Aesthetics. Contemporary Art from Post-Socialist Central Europe. Bloomsbury Academic.
Denisa Tomková (ed). 2023. Wandering Concepts / Putujúce koncepty. Bratislava: Kunsthalle Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-973924-2-0 
Chapters in Books
Denisa Tomková (2024). “Pre koho a kým? O inkluzívnosti umeleckých inštitúcií” In Ján Kralovič & Daniel Grúň (eds.) POHYB ZA OBRAZMI Súčasné myslenie o výstavách a kurátorstve. Bratislava: Vysoká škola výtvarných umení. ISBN: 978-80-8189-077-2
Denisa Tomková. "Project ERROR: Potential for Care Beyond Exhibitions" in Stella Rollig, Christiane Erharter (eds.) Robert Gabris. This Space Is Too Small For Our Bodies (2023, Belveder 21, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther & Franz König)  ISBN 978-3-7533-0535-6
Edited Publications

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition  Nhớ: Space Between One End and the Other

Editor: Denisa Tomková

Help with the texts selection: Kvet Nguyen

Contributors: Alena Alamgir, Kimberly Nguyen, Kvet Nguyen, Minh Duc Pham, Minh Thang Pham, Christina Schwenkel, Vi Huyen Tranová

Translation: Denisa Tomková, Michal Tallo;  Proofreading: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová; Graphic design: Michaela Badžgoňová, Lukáš Kollár

Published: October 2023

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition project Under This Strange Sun

Editor: Denisa Tomková

Contributors: Federico Campagna, Donna Haraway, Katarína Hrušková, Tjaša Pogačar, Elvia Wilk

Translation: Denisa Tomková, Zuzana Jánska; Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová; Grafic dizajn: Lukáš Kollár

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition There is no end To what a living world Will demand of you.* January 2023, Kunsthalle Bratislava

(Marina Garcés, Walidah Imarisha, Grant Kester, Dávid Koronczi, Joy Mariama Smith & Raoni Saleh)

Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition After Work by Céline Condorelli, Ben Rivers & Jay Bernard, January 2023, Kunsthalle Bratislava

(Jay Bernard, Kathryn Bond Stockton, Jos Boys, Simone R. Caljouw, Jen Kratochvil, Rob Withagen)

Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition of Paul Maheke, You and I, November 2022, Kunsthalle Bratislava

(Judith Butler, Emanuele Coccia, José Esteban Muñoz, Jen Kratochvil, Paul Maheke)

Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online publication accompanying the exhibition SOMETHING IS BURNING, October 2022, Kunsthalle Bratislava

(Elio Choquette, Angela Dimitrakaki, Luki Essender, Jack Halberstam, Lara Perry, Julius Pristauz)

Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár

Denisa Tomková (ed). Online Publication for the exhibition Do Nothing, Feel Everything, July 2022, Kunsthalle Bratislava
(Sara Ahmed, Lola Olufemi, Mikkel Krause Frantzen, Laura Amann and Aziza Harmel)
Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár
Denisa Tomková (ed). Online Publication for the exhibition of Barbara Kapusta Futures, May 2022, Kunsthalle Bratislava

(Barbara Kapusta, Jen Kratochvil, Sophie Lewis, Legacy Russell)

Copyediting: Zuzana Andrejco Ferusová, Graphic design: Lukáš Kollár

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Denisa Tomková. From Dialogical Aesthetics in Eastern European Art to ‘Falling in Love’ with the Other(s), Third Text, Vol. 34, 2020, pp.481-500.


Denisa Tomková. Zhu Fadong: Why Art Is Powerless to Make Social Change in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Volume 17, Number 1, January/February 2018, pp. 85-97.

Denisa Tomková. July 2018 - Biopolitical Art as Socially-Engaged Art in Central-Eastern Europe in the New Millenium, PROFIL Súčasného výtvarného umenia, n. 2, 2017, Slovakia

Book Reviews


Book Review: Sociopolitical Aesthetics. Art, Crisis and Neoliberalism, for FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism, Issue 20, Winter 2022

Book Review: Meiqin Wang: Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China,  for Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, July/August 2020

Book Review: Klara Kemp-Welch: Networking the Bloc: Experimental Art in Eastern Europe 1965-1981,  for H-SHERA, March 2020

Book Review: Vesela Nozharova: Introduction to Bulgarian Contemporary Art 1982–2015, Camera Austria 148/2019

Book Review: Ana Janevski, Roxana Marcoci, Ksenia Nouril, eds. Art and Theory of Post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe: A Critical Anthology. MoMA Primary Documents Series. Durham: Duke University Press, H-SHERA, April 2019


Book Review of Marcin Moskalewicz, Wojciech Przybylski, eds. Understanding Central Europe. H-SHERA,  September 2018


Book Review of Socially Engaged Art After Socialism: Art and Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe by Izabel Galliera, ART Margins,  May 2018


O queer časovosti a kolaborácii v súčasnom stave krízy. Rozhovor s Ľubošom Kotlárom, Flash Art Czech & Slovak Edition 67, 2023.


How Does a Collective End? An Interview with Robert Gabris and Ľuboš Kotlár, Momus, October 2022.

On Caring Institutions, Safe Spaces and Collaborations beyond Exhibitions: An Interview with Robert Gabris, Third Text Online. September 2022.

Emília Rigová a Petra Hanáková: Z materiálnej kultúry Rómov mamé dnes už len chabé torzo, august, August 2022.

Príbeh ukrajinského pavilónu v Benátkach a tvorba výstav ako otázka kultúrneho prežitia: Rozhovor s Mariou Lanko , FLASH ART cz, March 2022

The Story of the Ukrainian Pavilion in Venice and Exhibition-Making as a Matter of Cultural Survival: An Interview with Maria Lanko, ARTMargins Online, March 2022


Collectively Imagining the Future: An Interview with Alicja Rogalska, for Berlin Art Link, October 2020


Telling the Story of ‘Oriental Silk’: An Interview with Xiaowen Zhu, for Berlin Art Link, February 2021


On Book Publishing as the Process of Telling a Story: An Interview with Eleonoor Jap Sam, for I DO ART.DK, January 2022


Social Interaction as Survival Tactic: Lee Mingwei’s ‘Gifts and Rituals’ , for Berlin Art Link, March 2020


A Philosophy of Visualisation: An Interview with Akinbode Akinbiyi, for Berlin Art Link, January 2020


Transnational Feminism and Life in the Diaspora: An Interview with Mia Yu, for Berlin Art Link, November 2019


Art’s Potential to Challenge Racism: An Interview with Hamze Bytyci, for Berlin Art Link, October 2019


Politics of Space in the New Berlin: An Interview with Anh-Linh Ngo, for Berlin Art Link, September 2019


Towards sensual curating: An interview with Aneta Rostkowska, for Kuba Paris, August 2019


Inclusivity in Electronic Music: An Interview with DJ Violet for Berlin Art Link, August 2019


Mar 2015 Interview with a Chinese artist Zhu Fadong on issue of identity

Other Art Publications 

Denisa Tomková (2024), ‘Practicing Solidarity in Slovakia: The Story of Kunsthalle Bratislava’ in ARTMargins,


Practicting Otherness: Kvet Nguyen. Dokument Magazín. 2022


Open Road / Phundrado Drom: Laying Foundations for the Roma and Sinti Centre in Prague. RomaMoMA blog. September2022. 

Romani Feminism in Works of Female Roma Artists, Secondary Archive, April 2021


Questioning the Social Body: Transmediale’s ‘The Eternal Network’ Exhibition at HKW, for Berlin Art Link, February 2020


Materializing the Screen in ‘WangShui’ at Julia Stoschek Collection, October 2019, Berlin Art Link


Overcoming the Borders Within: ‘Walking Through Walls’ at Gropius Bau, October 2019, Berlin Art Link 


‘(Re)Conceptualizing Roma Resistance’ at ERIAC Berlin, September 2019, Berlin Art Link


The exhibition review of 'Heart of an Old Crocodile Exploding Over a Small Town' , for Kuba Paris, August 2019


Mar 2017   Maja Bekan’s Exhibition at the CCA in Warsaw – On whether a gallery security guard who speaks English can become an artist

June-July 2017 The series of blogs for the L'Internationale Online, about the Extreme Centre symposium organised by the Academy of Art in Cologne, Germany (18-19th April, 2017).


Sráč Sam: The Difference is in the Question, The Exhibition Catalogue, My text: Activism in CEE, Prague City Gallery, December 2017 

Apr 2017 Socially-engaged art as a global phenomenon  'Arte hecho con la gente'

Mexican journal - MAGIS

Jan 2016  The Private Nationalism Project presents art of Central-Eastern Europe


Jan 2016   Citizen K by the Czech artist collective “Ztohoven” challenges the role of identity cards


Aug 2014 Blog on the Tate Website on ARTIST ROOMS Café des Artistes events


2022 Kvet Nguyen. FOTOGRAF 

2021 Kvet Nguyen: Cultural Identity and Otherness. ejmap

2021 Sráč Sam. Secondary Archive

2021 Emília Rigová. Secondary Archive

2021 Jana Kapelová. Secondary Archive

2021 Tamara Moyzes. Secondary Archive

2021 Kristína Országhová. Secondary Archive

2021 Renáta Pintérová. Secondary Archive

2021 Kvet Nguyen. Secondary Archive

2021 Daniela Krajčová. Secondary Archive

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